http://www.sacpros.org proudly enables Mental Health Consumers, Family Members and Advocates, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Case Managers, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counselors, Therapists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Educators, Nurses, any Mental Health Professionals and other Related Healthcare Professionals to find pertinent mental health information, identify available services, support programs, housing, and other community resources in simple and quick ways.

75 thoughts on “About SACPROS

  1. Thank you for following, I’m honoured especially as I live with Bipolar2 and BPD 🙂 I look forward to reading your posts. Peace, love & light, jules

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Sacpros! Just wanted to say thank’s a lot for following my blog, I really look forward to reading more of your articles! It is such a relief to see that somebody cares enough to spend their time on this issues!
    Best wishes from Tussila

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for following, many levels of fiction to follow. Romance, Science fiction, horror, medical, historical. Much is coming down the pike. Keep tuned.

    Also the profile here needs to be created. Write out your mission, your statement. This is a good spot to find things and I am just south of you. If’n yer gonna be a bear, be a griz!(Reference to the California Capital and flag) and tell everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You sure are “Spot On” that no one is safe from Mental/Emotional illness & disorders. I’m a Dual diagnosed woman who lives in recovery and live with mental illness. Some of my disorders came from the direct effects from my years of addicted compulsive gambling, and mental illness. Thanks for being out here helping us Raise Awareness. I shared my addictions and mental health illness in my current book out to share my story, and also help fight STIGMA!
    OH! and Thanks for stopping by my recovery blog neighborhood where I continue my online journey!

    God Bless,
    Author, Cat Lyon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi there

    I run a blog called Princezz Pinkz and I am setting out on a mission to collect bloggers stories to enable me to start up another blog about bloggers & there stories.

    Thank you for following my blog – yours is wonderful. I came across your blog and was wondering if you wanted to feature on a new blog that I will be starting once i get enough stories to create the blog. It will be a blog about real bloggers & their stories it’s a similar take on the “humans of” pages but this one will be specifically for bloggers with your permission of course. now you can tell me whatever it is about yourself that you want the world to know I will then edit the story and place it on the blog page with your choice of photo and you have the option of placing your blog on the story so others can follow you. for more details you can simply reply to this or email me at princezzpinkzteam@hotmail.com

    Thank You
    xox Princezz Pinkz

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for following my blog. I am a licensed counselor, turned writer, so I understand what your doing here. I left the profession, but applaud you for keeping with this arena and educating so many on mental illness.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for this blog, I really mean that- we do not talk about mental health anywhere near enough and it is so important that you all are engaging conversation on the topic!!!

    You are a current and valued follower of the Human Ponderings Blog, because of this I want to inform you of some changes happening to the blog…

    The Human Ponderings blog has a new home- http://www.humanponderings.com WordPress has served me so well and I am so grateful for the friends, followers, and interactions I have gained there- however by making Human Ponderings into it’s own site I have much more control and access over the blog which will allow Human Ponderings to (hopefully) grow in wonderful new directions!

    Thank you for your time!
    As a fellow blogger I would appreciate it if you could take a brief moment to explore the new website (still under construction but mostly done and open for public viewing) and perhaps provide some feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for the follow, had a couple of strokes, and found the words to express all me feelings emotions, and rambles,please pop by anytime, take care, stay safe , xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wonderful way to get your message out. I hope it reaches the attention of people who will actually partner to make a difference on the ground. Thanks for the follow today.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for following my blog! It is good to see your work in my hometown. As a young person, I needed more mental health resources than I had. I hope that others are helped by your work.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for checking out & following my blog! I am honored! God bless you, your family & your efforts to minister to the mental health (family) community!☝❤😊

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank-you very much for following my blog. I wish you well in your work. Both my daughters have mental health issues and we are well aware that too little time and money is spent on improving mental health care (in Britain at least).

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hello and thank you for following my blog. My daughter’s testing for Asperger’s sent me on a quest and it’s so wonderful to know that there are organizations like yours, especially with an online presence, that make information accessible.


  14. Thank you for showing interest in what I put out. I sincerely hope you continue to find my posts entertaining & pleasurable. Be safe.Thank you for showing interest in what I put out. I sincerely hope you continue to find my posts entertaining & pleasurable. Be safe.


  15. Thank you for following my blog. I know divorce can be a very difficult time. It is often accompanied by depression, anger and immense sadness. I hope to encourage 50something women who are divorced or going through a divorce. Thank you for being a wonderful resource to so many people!


  16. Thank you Sackpros Sacramento for taking the time to check out Everyday Life Thru My Lens and for the follow. I was pleased to learn about your organization and the important and valuable work you do. I wish you all the best in reaching those who could really benefit from your services. Blessings! ❤


  17. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog, Good-Bye Normal. I hope to one day collaborate when I’m in the area speaking because spinal cord injuries and the life they change can be devastating.

    Keep advocating and I wish your organization well!


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