The trouble in allowing a split between two theories on the causes of homelessness.

The trouble in allowing a split between two theories on the causes of homelessness. One theory is that individual’s personal problems cause them to be unable to keep housing, leading them to lives on the streets. The other theory is that societal, structural causes are at work. Homelessness appears to be caused mostly by structural forces, but is also influenced by individuals’ personal problems.

There are many barriers that need to be overcome when an individual or family with mental illness and/or substance abuse problems is rendered homeless.

There are many barriers that need to be overcome when an individual or family with mental illness and/or substance abuse problems is rendered homeless.

Community Behavioral Health Services remain expensive, inefficient, and unimproved leaving many persons with mental illness on the streets and receiving treatment only when apprehended by the police.

Community Behavioral Health Services remain expensive, inefficient, and unimproved leaving many persons with mental illness on the streetsView Post and receiving treatment only when apprehended by the police.

Who Makes the Empowerment Magazine?

Empowerment Magazine is published online and in print every quarter by, a leading mental health directory for the Greater Sacramento Region. More information on Sacpros and what it does, visit

Mental Health in Congress

Members of Congress should be also more open about their experiences of mental health. This could have a highly significant impact on damages from negative stereotypes

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